Monday, May 17, 2010

it's been raining for awhile now . . .

2 classes down
3 to go.

this is exactly how i feel standing at the precipice of this week:

i didn't quite realize it when i woke up at 7:52 for my 8 o'clock final
but i did realize it halfway through my 2 hour french exam.
j'aime que je sois une nerd.

Hopefully, just this once, Gandalf is wrong.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

You Guys:

Since finals is a great time for epiphanies having nothing to do with academics -
next year for halloween i'm going to be Kate Pierson in the "Shiny Happy People" video. It'd be ironic.

i already dance exactly like her.

in which i am even more jealous of kimya dawson than usual

i want this.
"there are plus and minuses to sinusitis
like sometimes you get to go home"
kimya lied.
i have 2 exams
1 project and
a 15 page paper
to do before i can go home.
and i have sinusitis.


i've been listening to this at least once a day since reagan sent it to me
it IS summertime
"loOove mHmm
love is strange
- that's on my door

Monday, May 10, 2010

"i brought you flours"

fell asleep watching this scene last night.
missed french class.
c'est tres terrible.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

take time waste time take time waste time

"Try not to be scared all the time, because there's no such thing as a mistake. You get nervous but . . . you sing anyway.
- Evening